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Analysis of the problem of ball mill discharge particles

Time:2025-02-19 Author:Zhongxin Back to list

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A ball mill is a grinding equipment with a production capacity of 0.65-300t per hour. In the material processing process, the feed particle size is required to be no more than 25mm, and the discharge fineness of this machine is generally between 20-200 meshes. In the material processing process, different types of ball mills can be selected according to different production requirements. For the same ball mill, the fineness can also be adjusted according to different requirements of the finished product.

However, the fineness of the ball mill in production is not the finer the better. Because the grinding is too fine, many useful metal minerals will be discharged with water because the ore particles are too fine, which will not only reduce the concentrate grade and recovery rate, but also do a lot of useless work, resulting in increased consumption in production and increased equipment production costs.

Of course, this does not mean that the coarser the ball mill particle size, the better, because if the grinding particle size is too coarse, it will lead to insufficient separation of metal minerals and gangue, so that the separated substances cannot be fully dissociated, which is also unfavorable for subsequent separation operations. Therefore, in the powder production process, the fineness of the ball mill should be controlled within a reasonable range.

In addition, for any type of mill, the production capacity generated in production has an important relationship with fineness. If the fineness is too small, the energy generated in production will decrease, so controlling reasonable fineness is an important condition to ensure production efficiency. Of course, efficiency is related to many factors. In the production of ball mills, attention should be paid to the nature of the feed and the operation method to ensure reasonable efficiency.

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