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Preparation work and lubrication before starting the jaw crusher

Time:2024-04-19 Author:Zhongxin Back to list

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Preparation work before starting the jaw crusher:

1. Check carefully whether the lubrication condition of the bearings is good or not (the machine is only filled with test machine lubricating oil before leaving the factory)

2. All fasteners should be carefully checked to see if they are securely tightened.

3. Whether the transmission belt is in good condition. If there is oil on the belt or pulley, it should be wiped clean.

4. When crushing hard materials, the feed particle size should be less than 2/3 of the inlet width.

Jaw crusher lubrication:

1. Always pay attention to and promptly lubricate the friction surface to ensure the normal operation of the machine and extend its service life.

2. The grease used in the jaw crusher should be determined according to the location, temperature and other conditions where the machine is used. Calcium-based grease is generally used.

3. The grease added to the bearing seat should be 50-70% of its volume. It must be replaced every three months. When changing the oil, clean gasoline or kerosene should be used to carefully clean the rollers and the slideways of the bearings.

4. The contact point between the toggle plate and the toggle plate pad must be filled with grease before starting the machine.

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